Monday, October 8, 2012

cool mens slippers QnPjd

ugg boots sale constructed of leather or artificial materials One favorite is the women's UGG Classic Cardy. The attractiveness of this style lies in the three wooden buttons that appear with the UGG logo. Another reason why women like this style is that it is versatile. This versatility translates into the ability to wear it cuffed all the way up or slouched down. The UGG Classic Cardy is made of genuine sheepskin and the outsole is lightweight so that comfort is not compromised. Heeled boots need guards for effective traction and the Classic Cardy has suede heel guards. A word of caution: this style tends to be sized larger so when ordering, ask for a size smaller than your normal shoe size. From Harvard:Campi Flegrei, in Southern Italy, is an active caldera that has shown signs of unrest since 1969. Because the caldera has a population of 400,000 people, it is especially important to understand the mechanisms driving the unrest and their implication for the probability of a future eruption. Since its last ignimbrite eruption 12,000 years ago (which produced the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff), volcanic activity in Campi Flegrei has consisted of numerous eruptions (volumes ~0.1 km3 or less) surrounding the inferred caldera rim. For at least the last 3,700 years, the caldera has been subsiding at mean rates of 14-17 mm per year, punctuated by two known periods of mean uplift (1430-1538 and 1969-Present). The first period produced a net uplift of about 30 m at the port of Pozzuoli and was followed in 1538 by the eruption of Monte Nuovo (20 million m3) some 4 km to the west. The second period has to date consisted of two episodes of uplift (in 1969-72 and 1982-84), each raising Pozzuoli by about 2 m. Studies of the second period have attributed uplift either to magmatic intrusion or to the expansion of water in heated aquifers. These interpretations assumed a stationary reference condition. It is here proposed that the reference condition in fact corresponds to subsidence at about 17 mm per year. Slower subsidence then reflects the difference between background subsidence and actual intrusion of magma. The revised interpretation suggests a two-component source for the recent episodes of uplift: (1) intrusion of two batches of magma of ~0.1 km3 that have produced a permanent uplift of about 2.8 m, and (2) the expansion and later dissipation of heated water, which produced a temporary uplift of about 0.7 m that has since disappear

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